President will “respect” High Court ruling on GECOM Chairmanship- Harmon

Government’s chief spokesman Joseph Harmon on Thursday said that President David Granger will respect the ruling of the High Court and will not step outside the boundaries established by acting Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire.

President David Granger
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo
Acting Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire

Addressing the media at his weekly post-cabinet press briefing, the Minister of State said that the President’s position has not changed and he believes that the position of chairman of GECOM is a very important constitutional office.
Harmon confirmed that President David Granger’s selection of GECOM’s next chairman will be guided by the court ruling, which states that not all of the nominees must be a former judge, a present judge or possess the qualifications to be a judge.
On submitting the third list, on August 25, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had said he was hopeful that the President would take into consideration the ruling of the acting Chief Justice in regard to the constitutional stipulation governing the appointment of a Chairman for GECOM.
This third list of nominees for the GECOM chairmanship comprises Major General (retired) Joseph Singh, Attorneys-at-law Teni Housty and Sanjeev Datadin, Businesswoman and Conservationist Annette Arjune-Martins, Pastor Onesi LaFleur and former Magistrate Krishnadatt Persaud.

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